10. Deposits of articles for the Museum may be accepted by the Institute, subject to a fortnight's notice of removal to be given either by the owner of the articles or by the Manager of the Institute, and such deposits shall be duly entered in a separate catalogue.
11. Books relating to Natural Science may be deposited in the Library of the Institute, subject to the following conditions:—
(a.) Such books are not to be withdrawn by the owner under six months' notice, if such notice shall be required by the Board of Governors.
(b.) Any funds specially expended on binding and preserving such deposited books, at the request of the depositor, shall be charged against the books, and must be refunded to the Institute before their withdrawal, always subject to special arrangements made with the Board of Governors at the time of deposit.
(c.) No books deposited in the Library of the Institute shall be removed for temporary use except on the written authority or receipt of the owner, and then only for a period not exceeding seven days at any one time.
12. All books in the Library of the Institute shall be duly entered in a catalogue which shall be accessible to the public.
13. The public shall be admitted to the use of the Museum and Library, subject to bye-laws to be framed by the Board.
Section III.
14. The Laboratory shall, for the time being, be and remain under the exclusive management of the Manager of the Institute.
Section IV.
Of Date 23rd September, 1870.
Honorary Members.
Whereas the rules of the Societies incorporated under the New Zealand Institute Act provide for the election of Honorary Members of such Societies; but inasmuch as such Honorary Members would not thereby become Members of the New Zealand Institute, and whereas it is expedient to make provision for the Election of Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute, it is hereby declared—