which exhibits some remarkable changes in its stratification. The strata rise to a considerable height on the side of the hill, bearing N. and S. and dipping W. 60°. As they ascend, the ends of the strata become more inclined, and at the place where they crop out, they are nearly vertical; exhibiting the same appearance as the limestone strata of Pearly quarry, represented in sketch No. 2. About a hundred yards to the westward of this place, another quarry is worked in which the strata have the same bearing as in the quarry above, but they dip E. 60°, so that if a transverse section were made of the limestone in both quarries, the strata would be seen to meet like the sides of the letter V.
§ 59. A long ridge, called Old Castle Bank, extends from the Herefordshire Beacon, with a gradual slope towards the west. This ridge is almost entirely composed of the argillaceous rock, containing balls of limestone, in strata bearing S.W. and N.E. and dipping N.W. 18°. On the side of the Herefordshire Beacon, and on the left of the road from Worcester to Ledbury which passes along the top of this ridge, there are thin strata of limestone alternating with the argillaceous rock: but the strata in this place have a direction from N. to S. and they dip E. 60°. This is the highest point where I found the stratified rocks rising upon the Malvern range, and it is about one third of the elevation of the Herefordshire Beacon.
§ 60. To the south of Old Castle Bank, in a wood belonging to Lord Somers, there is a limestone quarry immediately at the foot of the Herefordshire Beacon, where the strata occur in a vertical position, with a direction from N. to S.
§ 61. In the extensive limestone quarry on the right hand side of the road to Ledbury, and near that town, the bearing of the strata is in one part N. and S. with a dip to the E. of 18°. Within a very short distance, both positions are completely changed, the