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Page:Transactions of the Geological Society, 1st series, vol. 1.djvu/423

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1810. donations. donors
Nov. 2. Specimens from the neighbourhood of Oxford, &c. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
16. Specimens from the Isle of Portland. Wilson Lowry, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Wiltshire and other parts of England. Thos. Meade, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Rio de Janeiro.
Specimens from the district of Minas Geraes, Brazil, &c. Mr. John Mawe.
A Mass of Puddingstone from Hertfordshire. Sir Abr. Hume, Bart. Vice-Pres. G. Soc.
Dec. 7. A Series of Specimens from Somersetshire, Wiltshire, &c. Thos. Meade, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
21. Specimens of Alum Slate in different stages of decomposition from the CampsleHills in Stirlingshire. Francis Horner, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Fossil Bones found at Walton, Essex. Mr. Herbert, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Jan. 18. A Series of Geological Specimens from the shores of the Baltic. J. F. Berger, M.D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from a Shaft sunk in Tividale Colliery near Dudley. James Keir, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Feb. 1. Specimens of the Allauite and of the Sodalite from Greenland. Thos. Allan, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc,
A Collection of Specimens from Somersetshire. Thos Meade, Esq. Hon. Memb. Soc.
Specimens of Amygdaloid containing Agates, from the coast of Ayrshire. Robt. Ferguson, Esq. Vice-Pres. G. Soc.
15. Specimens from the neighbourhood of Liverpool. Rich. Bright, Jun. Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
March 1. A Series of specimens from Shropshire, in illustration of Mr. Aikin's account of the great Coal-field of that County. Arthur Aikin, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
15. A Series of Specimens illustrative of the Mineralogy of the Malvern Hills. Leonard Horner, Esq.Sec. G. Soc.
Specimens of Fossil Teredines from the Isle of Shepey. H. Warburton, Esq. Memb. G. Sec.
A Specimen of Fossil Teredo found in the Archway at Highgate. David Ricardo, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
April 5. Specimens of Actinolite and some other Minerals from Scotland. Robt. Ferguson, Esq.Vice. Pres. G. Soc.
A Series of Specimens from the Isle of Wight. J. F. Berger, M.D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from various parts of England and G. B. Greenough, Esq. Wales. Pres. G. Soc.
19. A Series of Specimens from the Isle of Purbeck and the Isle of Portland. J. F. Berger, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Mowcop, Staffordshire, &c. Alex. Jaffray, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from the Soufriére in the Island of Nevis Arthur Aikin, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.