b. To this solution I added oxalate of ammonia in excess: the precipitate after being well washed, and dried in a heat not exceeding 165°, weighed 5.68 grs. which is equal to 2.01 grs. of lime, or 0.67 gr. in an ounce, according to the proportions of Dr. Thomson[1] of 35.5 of lime in 100 parts of the oxalate.
c. To the clear solution from which the lime had been thrown down, I added ammonia, and as it produced no change I concluded that no sulphate of magnesia exists in the brine.
But as 2.01 grs. of lime will only take up 2.9 grs. of sulphuric acid, I infer that the remaining 4.47 grs. of acid must be combined with soda.
1. By Exp. A. it has been shown that one ounce measure of the brine contains 64.7 grs. of muriatic acid, and as by Exp. B. c. it has been shewn that there is no muriate of lime, the whole of this muriatic acid must be in combination with soda, with the exception of the small quantity of muriate of magnesia found by Exp. B. f. g. Muriate of magnesia, according to Dr. Marcet,[2] contains 56.01 per cent. of acid, therefore deducting 0.18 gr. for the acid contained in the 0.32 gr. of muriate of magnesia obtained in Exp. B. from three ounces of the brine, or 0.06 for that contained in one ounce, there will remain 64.64 grs. of muriatic acid, which is equal to 140.52 grs. of muriate of soda in one ounce of the brine, according to the proportions of Dr. Marcet of 46 acid and 54 soda in 100 parts of salt.[2]
2. By experiment C. b. it has been shewn that three ounces of brine yielded 5.68 grs. of oxalate of lime, dried at 165°; and by