XII. Some account of the Island of Teneriffe.
THE island of Teneriffe is the principal island of the seven in the Western Ocean, that are called generally by the name of the Canaries. It lies north-east by south-west, and is in length from the Punta del Hidalgo to the Montana Roxa, its northern and southern extremities, about 70 English miles; its greatest breadth not exceeding 30. The superficies may be considered as containing 80 square leagues.
The island narrows at its north-eastern and widens considerably at its south-western extremity. About the centre of the latter, or perhaps to describe more accurately, to the westward of the central point, is the mountain called by the Spaniards el Pico di Tiéde, but better known by the name of the Peak of Teneriffe, and which is the highest land not only in the island, but in all the Canaries; the mean of various observations making it 12,500 feet above the level of the sea. It is visible at a great distance; we saw it perfectly distinct thirty-four leagues off by chronometrical observation, when it appeared rising like a cone from the bed of the ocean; and I have heard that it has been clearly distinguished at a distance of 45 leagues.
The rocks and strata of the Island of Teneriffe are wholly volcanic; a long chain of mountains, which may be termed the central chain, traverses the island from the foot of the second region of the