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Page:Transactions of the Geological Society, 1st series, vol. 2.djvu/544

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1811 donations. donors

Nov.1. Observations on the Charts of the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herm, and Jethon, made from the actual survey taken by Nicholas, Dobree, Esq. A. Jaffray, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Catalogue of a collection of Fossils from the Hartz Mountains; by G. S. O. Lazius, translated from German. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
Catalogue of a collection of Fossils, the production of Derbyshire, arranged according to their respective strata, by White Watson, F.L.S. ……
Dec. 6. Allan's Alphabetical list of Minerals. J. G. Children, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Second Report of the Commissioners of Bogs of Ireland. 1811. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
Analysis of the Meteoric stone which fell in the County of Tipperary. R. J. Griffith, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Report by Mr. Telford relative to the proposed Railway between Glasgow and Berwick. Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
An engraved portrait of M. de Saussure. M.L.A. Necker, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
An engraved portrait of M. Haüy. L. Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
A coloured Plate, representing the carbonate of Zinc found at Matlock. James Sowerby, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
20. Organic remains of a former world; by James Parkinson, Esq. Mem. G. Soc. Volume the third The Author
No 139. Nicholson's Journal. Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
Jan. 3. Travels in Iceland; by Sir George Stuart Mackenzie, Bart. Henry Holland, Esq. and Richard Bright, jun. Esq. Richard Bright, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Supplement to Vol. 30, Nicholson's Journal. Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
17. Catalogue of the library of the Royal Institution. Managers of the Royal Institution.
Feb.21. Statistical account of the County of Cork. Dublin Society.
Statistical account of the County of Antrim. ……
Histoire de la France méridonale, par M. L'Abbé Girard Soulavie. 6 Vols. Paris 1780. James Laird, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Exotic Mineralogy, N° 1 to 6; by Jas. Sowerby. The Author.
Mar. 6. Catalogue des Huit Collections qui composent le Musée Minéralogique de Et. de Dree. Count de Bournon.
Essai d'une déscription Minéralogique des environs de Landeck; par Leopold Von Buch. Traduit de l'Allemand. ……
Observations relatives to the mineralogical and chemical history of the Fossils of Cornwall; by Martin Henry Klaproth. ……
Treatise on the external characters of Fossils, translated from the German of A.G. Werner; by Thomas Weaver. A. Apsley, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.