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1812 | donations. | donors
Apr.17. | Specimens in illustration of Dr. Mac Culloch's paper on Bitumen. | J. Mac Culloch, M.D. Memb. G. Soc. |
Specimens in illustration of Mr. Horner's paper on Droitwich. | L. Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc. | |
Specimen of Fibrous Rock Salt from Northwich. | A. Aikin, Esq. Sec. G. Soc. | |
May1. | Specimens of Calareous Spar from Tavistock. | J. Taylor, Esq. Memb. G. Soc. |
Specimen of recent Pentacrinus from Guadeloupe. | Joseph Skey, M.D. | |
Specimens of the Aluminous Strata from Campsie. | C. Mackintosh, Esq. | |
15. | Specimens from Derbyshire. | W. Milnes, Esq. Hon. Memb G. Soc. |
Specimens of Magnesian Limestone from Sunderland. | Sir A. Hume, Bart. Vice Pres. G. Soc. | |
June5. | Series of Corundum, Oriental Ruby, and Spinelle. | Count de Bournon, Foreign Sec. G. Soc. |
Specimens of the Calcaire d'eau douce, and of the Meuliere d'eau douce from the neighbourhood of Paris. | …… | |
Specimen of Hippurites from Cape Passaro in Sicily. | Hon. H. G. Bennet, Memb. G. Soc. | |
Specimens of Alcyonia from the Isle of Wight. | T. Webster. Esq. Keeper of the Mus. G.S. | |
19. | Specimens of Tubes found in the sand at Drigg in Cumberland. | E. Irton, Esq. |
Series of Specimens from Vesuvius. | Hon. H. G. Bennet, Memb. G. Soc. | |
Specimens of Chalk with Fossil Palates from Cherry Hinton. | H. Warburton, Esq. Memb. G. Soc. | |
Specimens from Barbadoes. | Joseph Skey, M.D. | |
Specimens from Yorkshire. | …… | |
Specimens from Alderney. | Capt. Richardson, 63d Regiment. | |
Specimen of Coral from the East Indies. | Capt. Loch. | |
Specimens from Mount Sorrel in Leicestershire. | H. Warburton, Esq. Memb. G. Soc. | |
June5. | Large Fossil Vertebra from Dry Sandford, Berkshire. | Rev. W. Buckland. |
Specimens from France, Hungary, Siberia, &c. | H. Henland, Esq. Mem. G. Soc. | |
Nov.6. | Specimens in illustration of Dr. MacCulloch's paper on the Vitrified Forts. | J. MacCulloch, M.D. Mem. G. Soc. |
Specimens from Leicestershire. | Robert Bakewell, Esq. | |
Specimens of the Sand tubes from Drigg. | E. L. Irton, Esq. | |
Specimens from North America. | Dr. Bruce. | |
Specimens of Flint from Norfolk. | H. Reeve, M.D. | |
Specimens from Bristol. | G. Cumberland, Esq. Hon. Mem. G. Soc. | |
Specimen of Carbonate of Lead from Shropshire. | Thomas Dugard, M.D. Hon. Mem. G. Soc. | |
Specimen of Asbestos and of black Chalk from Ireland. | Rev. T. Hincks, Hon. Mem. G. Soc. |