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Page:Transactions of the Geological Society, 1st series, vol. 2.djvu/555

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1813. donations. donors.

Specimens from Lauren Hall, Galloway. Rev. Wm. Buckland, Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Strata and Organic Remains illustrative of his paper. T. Webster, Esq. Keeper of the Mus. G.S.
Jan.7. Specimens of Siliceous Petrifactions, from Antigua. N. Nugent, M D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Shells in Marl, from Fifeshire. H. Warburton, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Flints from the London Gravel. T. Webster, Esq. Keeper of the Mus. G.S.
Specimens of Brazilian Topaz. Hon. H. G. Bennet, Pres. G. Soc.
31. Specimens from Guadaloupe. Rev. J. Gilding, Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Pitch Stone from the Hebrides, and of Strata from the Coal Field of Fifeshire. G. B. Grecnough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimen of Corundum, from Gellivara, in Swedish Lapland. M. Swedenstierna. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Northumberland and Roxborougshire. Hon. H. G. Bennet, Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens from the Vale of the Tweed. H. Warburton, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Feb.18. Nodule of Iron Stone. Royal Society.
Specimens from Scotland. H. Warburton, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
Specimens of English Rocks. ……
Specimens of English, Scottish, and Irish Rocks. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Vice Pres. G. Soc.
March4. Specimens from Palermo. Hon. H. G. Bennet, Pres. G. Soc.
Fossil Nautilus and Crystallised Selenite. A. Sutherland. M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Petworth and Mount Sorrell. Wm. Blake, Esq. Vice Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens of Puddingstone from Hemel Hempstead. H. Warburton, Esq. Sec. G. Sec.
Specimen of Coal and Coal Slate, from Sweden. Rev. Wm. Buckland, Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Magnesian Limestone, &c. from Cumberland. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Vice Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens of Molybdena in Granite, from Shap, in Westmoreland. Wm. Lowndes, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
18. Specimens from Northumberland. Hon. H. G. Bennet, Pres. G. Soc.
Fossils from English Strata. Miss Bennett.
April1. Vein Stones from English Strata. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Vice Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens of simple Minerals. W. Sheffield, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Fossil Shells arranged systematically. James Parkinson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.

Vol. ii.3 z