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| |
Granite Graphic, of Rona | 391 |
────────── Hutton's Theory of, objected to | 432 |
──── Veins of, at Portsoy, Observations on the | 433 |
────────── Contortions of | 439 |
──── Tors of, in Cornwall, Remarks on the | 66 |
Gravel around London, Remarks on the | 231 |
Graywacke, of the Isle of Man | 39 |
─────── of Aberfoyle | 447 |
─────── of Clovelly, Contortions in the | 497 |
─────── alternating with Clay Slate | 442—447 |
─────── Observations on the term | 93—444 |
Greenstone Porphyry, near St. David's | 86 |
Greenstone, Observations on the term | 393 |
Green Sandstone Stratum, in the Isle of Wight | 382 |
Grey Weathers, Description of the | 224 |
Gypsum accompanies the Salt Springs at Droitwich | 95 |
────── of the Isle of Purbeck | 166 |
────── of Newhaven, in Sussex | 191 |
────── of the Paris Basin | 214 |
Hall, sir James, Observations on his Experiments on the Action of Heat modified by Compression, on Vegetable Matter | 20 |
Hampstead Heath, Sand of | 224 |
Headon Hill, Isle of Wight, Description of | 184 |
Heat, modified by Compression, its Action on Vegetable Matter | 21 |
──── Effect of, on the Rocks at the Vitrified Fort of Dun Mac Sniochain | 266 |
Heliotrope of the Island of Rum | 408 |
Herland Copper Mine, Description of | 146 |
───────────── North, Description of | 149 |
Hertfordshire Pudding Stone, Description of the | 225 |
Highgate Hill, Account of the Strata of | 197 |
Hippurites, Observations on some Specimens of | 277 |
Hogs-Back, near Guildford, Description of the Chalk of the | 172 |
Hordwell Cliffs, Fossils of | 189 |
Horner, Mr. L. Account of the Brine Springs at Droitwich | 94 |
Hornblende and Felspar, Rocks near St. David's composed of, and peculiarity of their Structure | 80—83—89 |