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Loch Laggan, Limestone of | 435 |
Loch Lomond, Contortions in the Mica Slate at | 438 |
Logging Rock of Cornwall, Description of the | 67 |
London Clay, Description of the | 187 |
London Gravel, Remarks on the | 231 |
Lorn, Puddingstone of | 264 |
Mac Culloch, Dr. On certain products obtained in the Distillation of Wood, with some account of Bituminous Substances and Remarks on Coal | 1 |
─────────── On the Granite Tors of Cornwall | 60 |
─────────── Remarks on the vitrified Forts of Scotland | 235 |
─────────── On the Sublimation of Silica | 275 |
─────────── On the Junction of Trap and Sandstone at Stirling Castle | 305 |
─────────── Miscellaneous Remarks accompanying a Catalogue of Specimens | 383 |
─────────── Remarks on several parts of Scotland which exhibit Quartz Rock, and on the nature and connexion of this Rock in general | 450 |
─────────── On Staffa | 501 |
─────────── On Vegetable remains preserved in Chalcedony | 510 |
Macles of Oxyd of Tin | 366 |
Magnesian Limestone of the Isle of Man | 43 |
Man, Isle of, Mineralogical Account of the | 29 |
─────── General Description of the Extent and Form, 31, 34;—Rivers of 34;—Compound Rocks in situ, 36;-Compound Rocks not in situ, 46, 50;—Simple Minerals in situ, 50, 58;—Simple Minerals not in situ, 58;-Temperature of Springs, 60;—Height of Mountains, | 62 |
Manor Old Vein, in Cornwall, Description of | 151 |
Mar, District of, Quartz Rock in the | 473 |
Marble in the District of Assynt | 412 |
Marine Formation over the Chalk, Lower | 181 |
────────────────────Upper | 215 |
Marl of the Isle of Man | 54 |
── under the Pitchstone Porphyry of the Island of Egg | 408 |