Page:Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society - Volume 1.djvu/355

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Mr. Davis's Eugraphia Sinensis
30. The long lines should be horizontal, and the perpendicular without any inclination.
31. The oblique stroke should not be too much elongated.
32. The long oblique in these should be nearly straight, with a certain appearance of strength; that is, as if drawn with a firm steady hand.
33. Let the hooked stroke below be sufficiently bent.
34. Here the bent stroke should include, and, as it were, embrace the character at the side.
35. The lower strokes must be placed centrically under those above.
36. The hooked strokes in the left-hand portion must be contracted.
37. The point of the hooked stroke should be directed towards the middle of the four dots.: 38. These should be even at the top.
39. These should be even at the bottom.
40. Where there are many right oblique strokes, some must be at full length, and some contracted.
41. Some of the hooks in the component parts must be suppressed, and some indicated.
42. The hook in the upper portion should be slightly, and in the lower, more strongly indicated.
48. The hooked stroke at the top should be contracted, and the one below extended.
44. The upper part of these characters should be broader than the under.
45. The under part in these should be broader than the upper.
46. Let the left-hand portion yield in size to the right.
47. Let the right-hand portion yield in size to the left.
48. Let the two sides be large, and the middle small.
49. In these the middle portion should be fully written.
50. The middle portion in these should be small.
51. The hooked stroke in these must be bent, and with an appearance of strength, as if drawn with a firm hand.
52. The bent stroke must be round and flowing.
53. The oblique stroke to the left must not be too thin and elongated.
54. The two left oblique strokes must not be parallel to each other.
55. When there are three oblique strokes together, let the top of each proceed from the middle of the one immediately above it.