Page:Translations (1834).djvu/100

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Oh! if I had but my way,
Would the ruffian live a day?
If he were in earth array’d,
Should I sorrow—would the maid?


The bard is visited by a terrific vision. He awakes, and deplores Morvyth’s marriage with Hunchback.

As yester eve I journey’d late,
To shun the edged and naked blast,
Amid the fern my limbs I cast,
And as I lay it was my fate
(The earth my couch, the grove my bower,)
To fall asleep—I slept an hour.
And there I saw a dream of fear:
Sudden my place of slumber near
A pallid flood appears to quiver,
And rolling on to threat me seems
With billows mighty as the streams
That rise in Taf’s o’erflooded river;
Like bulls, in fury and in might,
The breakers seem intent to mite;
Out from a hundred glens they speed;
Then was I desolate indeed!