Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/17

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(a) a craft designed, used or capable of being used, solely or partly for navigation at sea or on an inland waterway or a body of water;
(b) an air‑cushioned vehicle (such as a hovercraft) or a submersible craft; and
(c) an unmanned vessel,

but excludes any vessel which permanently rests on, or is permanently attached to, the seabed or is withdrawn from navigation by water or laid up;

“Singapore aircraft” means an aircraft registered in Singapore under the Air Navigation Act (Cap. 6), or an aircraft owned by the Government;

“Singapore military aircraft” means an aircraft used by the Singapore Armed Forces but does not include an aircraft that is registered under written law or in a foreign country;

“Singapore military vessel” means a ship owned by the Government and used by the Singapore Armed Forces;

“Singapore ship” means—

(a) a ship registered, provisionally or otherwise, under Part II of the Merchant Shipping Act (Cap. 179) and its registry is not closed or deemed to be closed or suspended under that Part;
(b) a ship owned by the Government; and
(c) a fishing vessel, or a ship used to process fish, that is registered under any written law;

“transport” means transport by—

(a) an aircraft;
(b) a ship;
(c) a rail vehicle; or
(d) a public passenger service motor vehicle;