Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/19

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preventing similar occurrences in the future rather than to ascribe blame to any person;
(c) the publication of investigation results; and
(d) the regulation of the disclosure and admissibility of certain information obtained or derived from investigations under this Act into transport occurrences.

Act binds Government

4.—(1) This Act binds the Government.

(2) However, nothing in this Act renders the Government liable to prosecution for an offence under this Act.

(3) To avoid doubt, no person is immune from prosecution for any offence under this Act by reason only that the person is engaged to provide services to the Government.

Application of Act

5.—(1) Except where provided by this section, this Act applies to any transport occurrence, whenever occurring.

(2) This Act applies in respect of aviation occurrences—

(a) in or over Singapore; or
(b) in or over any place outside Singapore if—
(i) Singapore is requested to investigate, or to participate or assist in the investigation of, the aviation occurrence by an appropriate foreign authority; or
(ii) the aviation occurrence—
(A) involves an aircraft in respect of which, or that is operated by a person to whom, an aviation safety instrument is or has been issued under the Air Navigation Act; and
(B) is in a location which cannot be definitely established as being in the territory of any country and evidential material relating to the aviation occurrence is found in Singapore.