Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/27

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(3) To avoid doubt, the duty or power to investigate a transport occurrence under subsection (1) or (2) may extend to a transport occurrence that involves—

(a) a combination of modes of transport vehicles; and
(b) a combination of military and non‑military transport vehicles.

(4) The Director may discontinue an investigation at any time except an investigation into a transport occurrence ordered by the Minister under subsection (2)(b).

Restriction on transport occurrence investigated

16.—(1) A transport occurrence must not be investigated under this Act unless—

(a) it occurs in Singapore;
(b) it involves—
(i) a Singapore aircraft;
(ii) a Singapore ship;
(iii) a rail vehicle operating on a railway located wholly or partly in Singapore; or
(iv) a public passenger service motor vehicle operating within Singapore and an order is given under section 15(2)(b) in respect of the occurrence; or
(c) it occurs outside Singapore and any of the following apply:
(i) evidence relating to the transport occurrence is found in Singapore;
(ii) an appropriate foreign authority requests the Director or TSIB to conduct, or to participate or assist in, an investigation into the transport occurrence;
(iii) the Director considers that it is necessary to conduct, or to participate or assist in, an investigation into the transport occurrence and the agreement of the appropriate foreign authority is obtained for the