Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/38

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NO. 36 OF 2018

(a) be returned to the person in whose possession it was when it was seized; or
(b) if it is not reasonably practicable to return it to that person, be disposed of in such manner as the Director thinks fit,

when the thing is no longer required for the purposes of an investigation.

Power to obtain information

28.—(1) For the purpose of an investigation into a reportable matter, and pursuant to an authorisation under section 23(4), an investigator may require any person in Singapore whom the investigator has reason to believe to be acquainted with any facts or circumstances relevant to that purpose—

(a) to attend before the investigator to answer, on oath or affirmation if required by the investigator, any question; and
(b) to provide any document or information.

(2) The power to require a person to provide any document or information under subsection (1) includes the power—

(a) to require that person, or any individual who is or was an officer or employee of the person, to provide an explanation of the document or information;
(b) if the document or information is not provided, to require that person or individual in paragraph (a), to state, to the best of the knowledge and belief of that person or individual (as the case may be), where the document or information is; and
(c) if the information is recorded otherwise than in legible form, to require the information to be made available to the investigator in legible form.

(3) An investigator is entitled without payment to keep any document or information, or make a copy or an extract of any document or information, provided to the investigator under subsection (1).