Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/9

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Investigation Bureau of Singapore appointed under section 11(1), and includes—

(a) an individual for the time being appointed under section 11(2) to execute the duties of that office; and
(b) any TSIB staff member delegated under section 11(3) the power of the Director under that provision of this Act or the regulations;


(a) in relation to information, includes divulge or communicate the information in any way; and
(b) in relation to information contained in a document or other article, also includes produce the document or other article in whole or part, or make it available (in whole or part) for inspection;

“draft report” includes a draft report from an appropriate foreign authority about a transport occurrence;

“engage in conduct” means any act or omission, any series of acts or omissions, or both;

“evidential material” means anything that may be relevant to an investigation;

“exempt transport vehicle” means—

(a) an aircraft used in the military, customs or police services of a foreign country;
(b) a ship used in the military, customs or police services of a foreign country;
(c) a Singapore military aircraft;
(d) a Singapore military vessel;
(e) a vessel owned by the Government and used by police officers or officers of the border control or civil defence departments of the Government; or
(f) a vessel wearing the State Marine Ensign under the authority of the Chief of Navy;