territory, and attached to free settlements, in which such indulgences would neither be tolerated nor procurable.
In other words, the principles of the present system are, "dispersion and inefficient discipline, or rather, no discipline at all, for the convicts; concentration and unbridled licentiousness for all ticket of leave men and convicts conditionally free:" the principles of the system proposed are, "concentration and strict discipline for the convicts; dispersion, and restraint, and good example, for all ticket of leave men and convicts conditionally free." Of course, no person of common understanding will hesitate for a moment as to which of these systems is to be preferred.
I am quite aware that the sort of plebeian emigration I have recommended in the preceding pages, will scarcely accord with the views of certain Utopian speculators, of whom a whole host has recently been called into existence by the South Australia scheme; and who, it seems, conceive that a colonial settlement cannot be successfully formed without a sprinkling of aristocracy, i. e. without representatives of all the different classes of society in the mother country. It must be borne in mind, however, that the successful establishment of a few such communities of virtuous and industrious free emigrant agricultural