Page:Travels and adventures of Wm. Lithgow (1).pdf/15

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On the 7th day, two Venetian gentlemen, who had been ten years banished for murder, eame down to see them with two servants, all well armed; and hearing our traveller’s eomplaints against the Greeks for detaining his budget, and forcing him to endanger his life for their good, they soundly drubbed the master, and forced him to restore Lithgow’s things; carrying him within five miles of the town where they then resided, kindly entertaining him ten days, and, at his departure, made him a present of forty gold sequins; the first gift he ever received in all his travels.

From thence he proceeded to Salonica in Macedonia, and then sailed along the Thessalian shore, saw the “Two topped hill” Parnassus, and a little more east, a ruinous village and castle, once the eity of Thebes. In three days from Ralonica he arrived at Tenedos, when meeting with two French merchants of Marseilles bound to Constantinople he and they resolving to view Troy, hired a janizary for their conductor and guard, and a Greek for their interpreter. Landing there, they saw many relicts of old walls, and many ruined tombs some of which were pointed out to them as the the tombs of Hector, Ajax, Achilles, Troilus, &c. and also those in Hecuba, Cressida, and other Trojan