Page:Travels and adventures of Wm. Lithgow (1).pdf/23

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candle, and one for him also, and singing Te Deum all the way to their Monastery, they greatly rejoiced that a Christian had come from such a far country as Scotland to visit Jerusalem. But, when they knew afterwards, that he was no Popish Catholic, they sorely repented of their labour. He found there ten branks, just come from Venice, six of then Germans, and also good Protestants, who were wonderfully pleased to hear him flatly tell the guardian, that he was no Roman Catholic, nor never thought to be so. After staying some days at Jerusalem, and seeing every thing worthy of his notice, he made the best of his way to Joppa, where, after seeing the remains of the house in whichs Peter fell into a trance, and saw heaven opened, he embarked in a small vessel for Alexandria. He arrived there in safety, and soon sailed for his native land.


Henry had seduced the daughter of an officer at Rochelle, which had disgraeed a worthy family, and given great offence to the people of that city. Just befere a battle, when prayers were going to be read in front of the line, a protestant minister, his chaplain, took the liberty to