Page:Travels in the Mogul Empire, A.D. 1656-1668.djvu/541

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Muhammad Shah, by Nadir Shah when he sacked Delhi, and carried it away, with an immense amount of other loot, to Persia. On first beholding it he is reported to have conferred upon it the title Koh-i-núr ('Mountain of Light,' or Lustre), a most suitable name for the stone described by Tavernier as 'a round "rose," very high at one side, of beautiful water, and a splendid stone.'

Dr. Ball then traces its history through the hands of Ahmed Shah Durani in 1751, Shah Zamán in 1793, Shah Shujá in 1795, Ranjit Şingh, in 1813, and, on the annexation of the Punjab in 1849, to the custody of the British Government, by whom it was sent — John Lawrence, afterwards Lord Lawrence, having been for a short time its custodian—to Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. It then weighed carats English, and Dr. Ball ascribes the less in weight, about 83 carats, to mutilation, to which it was subjected as he proves by the marks of cleavage apparent when it was received in England, and which took place, he believes, when in the possession of either Shah Rukh, Shah Zamán, or Shah Shujá, whose necessities may have caused them to have had pieces removed to furnish them with ready money.

In 1851 the Koh-i-núr was exhibited in the first great Exhibition, and in 1852 the re-cutting of the stone was intrusted by Her Majesty to the Messrs. Garrards, who employed Voorsanger, a diamond-cutter from M. Coster's atelier at Amsterdam. The actual cutting lasted thirty-eight days, and by it the weight was reduced to carats. The cost of the cutting amounted to £8000.


Tavernier's description of the Peacock Throne of the

Great Mogul.

It should be stated that the Great Mogul has seven magnificent thrones, one wholly covered with diamonds, the others with rubies, emeralds, or pearls.

The principal throne, which is placed in the hall of the first court, is nearly of the form and size of our camp-beds; that is to say, it is about 6 feet long and 4 wide. Upon the four feet, which are very massive, and from 20 to 25 inches high, are fixed the four bars which support the base of the throne, and upon these bars are ranged twelve columns, which sustain the canopy on three sides, there not being any on that which faces the court. Both the feet and the bars, which are more