Page:Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships.djvu/64

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A Voyage to Lilliput
Part I

middle Cover, but squeezed close by the pressure of his Belly. Out of the Right Fob hung a great Silver Chain, with a wonderful kind of Engine at the bottom. We directed him to draw out whatever was fastened to that Chain; which appeared to be a Globe, half Silver, and half of some transparent Metal: For on the transparent side we saw certain strange Figures circularly drawn, and thought we could touch them, till we found our Fingers stopped by that lucid Substance. He put this Engine to our Ears, which made an incessant Noise like that of a Water-mill: And we conjecture it is either some unknown Animal, or the God that he worships; but we are more inclined to the latter Opinion, because he assures us, (if we understood him right, for he expressed himself very imperfectly) that he seldom did any thing without consulting it: He called it his Oracle, and said it pointed out the Time for every Action of his life. From the Left fob he took out a Net almost large enough for a Fisherman, but contrived to open and shut like a Purse, and served him for the same use : We found therein several massy pieces of yellow Metal, which if they be real Gold, must be of immense value.

Having thus, in obedience to your Majesty's Commands, diligently searched all his Pockets, we observed a Girdle about his Waist made of the Hide of some prodigious Animal; from which, on the Left side, hung a Sword of the length of Five men; and on the Right, a Bag or Pouch divided into Two Cells, each Cell capable of holding Three of your Majesty's Subjects. In one of these Cells were several Globes or Balls of the most ponderous Metal, about the bigness of our Heads, and required a strong Hand to lift them: The other Cell contained a heap of certain black Grains, but of no great bulk or weight, for we could hold above Fifty of them in the palms of our Hands.

This is an exact Inventory of what we found about the body of the Man-Mountain, who used us with great civility, and due respect to your Majesty's Commission. Signed and