Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/670

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metans, on the eaft fide of the river, and there exhibits afcene that requires more fancy, and the defcription of a more poeti- cal pen than mine, alt hough the imprefiion the fight of it made upon me will certainly never be removed but with life.

The courfe of the river is now S. E. ; in that direction it wafhes the weftern part of Begemder and Amhara on the right; the river then inclofes the province of Gojam, fo that, in the circle that it makes in returning towards its fource, that province remains always on the right.

From both fides, the Nile receives a number of tributary flreams, the Muga, Gammala, Abea, Afwan, and Mafhillo, from the mountains of Gojam ; and the Bafhilo, Boha, and Geefhem from thofe of Begemder and Amhara ; it then pann- es below Walaka. The river now has a courfe near the fouth- ward, paflesUpper and Lower bhoa. From thefe countries, on the eaft of the Nile, come the great rivers Samba, Jemma, Ro- ma, with fome others, and the Temii, Gult, and Tzul from the high country of the Agows, and Amid Amidto the northward. From Shoa the Nile winds to the S. W. to the W. N. W. nearly inclofing all the fouth of Gojam. Immediately adjoining to it, turning Hill more northerly, is the province ot Bizamo, bordering on the river Yabous, which, coming from the fouthwai d, and terminating this province, falls into the Nile.

The Nile, now turned aim oft due north, approaches its fource fo as to be diflant from it only about 62 miles ; it is here very deep and rapid, and is only fordable at certain feafons of the year. The Galla, however, when they in- vade Abyflinia, crofs it at all times without difficulty, either by lwimming, or on goats fkins blown up like bladders : 2 other