Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 4.djvu/417

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« Brother, fays the flierriffe to Ifmael,you feem a Granger in this country." " I am a Turk, dnfwered Ifmael, born in Anatolia, a janizavy of Ali Bey at Cairo." " He came, fays Shckh Fidele, to Habelli, with their Kafr, the Abuna or great prieil, and is returning to Cairo with that white man, who is phy{ician to Ah Bey." " Kafr there, or Kafr here, conti- nued Ifmael (who did but half underftand what was laid) the greatell of all Kafrs (that is Infidel) is, I believe, in Tca^ wa. ^I do not think there is one Muffulman in this curfed place." " Is this the Frank, fays the Moullah, whofe fer- vant brought letters to the Shekh of Beyla fome week«  ago, and was forwarded to Sennaar ?" "No, fays Fidele, he does not know the Shekh of Beyla." " I am fure, fays the Moullah, that, fuch a day, when I was at Sennaar, there was a talk of a man of this kind, whofe fervant was at Aira with Shekh Adelan, and had orders to come hither with a fervant of his, and one from the king ; and I am fure, upon refleaion, continued the Moullah, this muft be the man." " Shekh, fays he, turning to me, (who fat fi- lent, overjoyed at the train I faw the affair taking) did you come from Habcfli? have you letters for Sennaar?" " I came from Habelh, replied I, with- letters to the king of Sennaar ; likewife letters, to him from the Oierriffe of M-c- ca, and from Ali Bey of Cairo, (you are welcome to fee them, all,) yet, contrary to faith, obferved even in Pagan nations, I am here detained by Shekh Fidele, who laft night attempted to murder me in his own houfe, becaufe I would not pay him 2000 piaftres." Shekh Fidele'sface turned pale; he could fcarcely utter, "That is not true." " As that book is the word of God, fays Ifmael, (pointing to the Koran, ly- ing in the ilierrille's lap) it is every word true. Look upon
