Page:Tristram of Lyonesse and other poems (IA tristramoflyonesswinrich).pdf/257

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There beats no heart on either border

Wherethrough the north blasts blow
But keeps your memory as a warder
His beacon-fire aglow.

Long since it fired with love and wonder
Mine, for whose April age
Blithe midsummer made banquet under
The shade of Hermitage.

Soft sang the burn's blithe notes, that gather
Strength to ring true:
And air and trees and sun and heather
Remembered you.

Old border ghosts of fight or fairy
Or love or teen,
These they forgot, remembering Mary
The Queen.


Queen once of Scots and ever of ours

Whose sires brought forth for you
Their lives to strew your way like flowers,

Dead is full many a dead man's name
Who died for you this long
Time past: shall this too fare the same,
My song?