- Dermacentor venustus, 310, 313, 314
- Dermatobia cyaniventris, 903
- Dermatophilidse, 360
- Dermatophilus penetrans, 896
- Dermatose parasitaire, 912
- Dermotagra, 437
- Dhobie's itch, 884
- diagnosis of, 886
- prophylaxis of, 886
- treatment of, 887
- Diarrhœa alba, 549
- hill, 546
- Dibothriocephalus latus, 852
- Dibothrium mansoni, 790
- Dicrocælium buski, 846
- heterophyes, 848
- lanceatum, 848
- Dionisi's discovery of malaria
- parasites in bats, 30
- Diplacanthus nanus, 854
- Diplodia zeae, 445
- Diplogonoporus grandis, 852
- Dirofilaria immitis, 696, 699, 702
- Discomyces bovis, 877
- maduræ, 878
- Disease of the Landes, 437
- Distoma buski, 846
- conjunctum, 801
- heterophyes, 848
- innocuum, 801
- japonicum, 801, 804
- pulmonale, 794
- pulmonis, 794
- rathouisi, 846'
- ringeri, 794
- sinense, 801
- spathulatum, 801
- westermani, 794
- Dochmius duodenalis, 816
- Double continued fever, 386
- Dourine, 197
- Dracunculus medinensis, 766, 772
- characters of, 767
- geographical distribution of, 766
- habits of, 768
- larva of, 771
- mode of infection of, 773
- oculi, 776
- persarum, 766
- Dropsy, epidemic, 433
- etiology of, 434
- geographical distribution of, 433
- morbid anatomy of, 436
- symptoms of, 435
- treatment of, 436
- Dum-dum fever, 203
- Dysenteric form of algide malaria] fever, 7?
- treatment of, 129
- Dysentery, 490
- age and, 527
- amoebic, 510
- Dysentery, amoebic, distinguished from bacillary, 523, 527
- pathology of, 520
- treatment of, 533
- and liver abscess, connection between, 575
- anomalous types of, 495
- appendicitis in, 497
- bacillary, 504, 505
- distinguished from amœbic, 523, 527
- pathology of, 508
- treatment of, 535
- balantidium, 504
- treatment of, 525
- catarrhal, morbid anatomy of, 488
- symptoms of, 492
- chronic, lesions in, 502
- symptoms of, 494
- treatment of, 539
- surgical, 541
- classification of, according to parasite, 504
- constipation after, treatment of, 542
- diagnosis of, 527
- epidemic, 505
- etiology of, 503
- food and clothing in, 542
- fulminating, morbid anatomy of, 500
- symptoms of, 493
- gangrenous, morbid anatomy of, 499
- symptoms of, 496
- geographical distribution of, 490
- germs of, 504
- capacity of, for latency, 527
- how carried, 525, 526
- hæmorrhage in, 496
- healing process in, 502
- hepatitis in, 497
- treatment of, 543
- intussusception in, 497
- kala-azar, 504
- liver and mesenteric glands
- in, 503
- malarial, 504
- treatment of, 532
- morbid anatomy of, 498
- mortality of, 497
- occupation and, 527
- perforation in, 496
- polypoid growth in, 503
- predisposing causes of, 527
- primary lesion in, 501
- prophylaxis of, 543
- protozoal, 504
- recurring, 494
- relapsing, 494
- relation of abscess of liver to, 575
- scorbutic, treatment of, 532
- sequelæ of, 497