- Hæmaturia, endemic, prevention of, 755
- prognosis of, 753
- symptoms of, general, 748
- treatment of, 754
- (see also Schistosomum)
- Hæmaturic fever, 275
- Hæmocystidium simondi, 945
- Hæmocystozoon braziliense, 957
- Hæmoflagellata, 929
- nomenclature of, 936
- Hæmoglobinsemia in malaria, 87
- Hæmoglobinuria in malaria, 88
- Hæmoglobinuricr fever, 275
- Hæmogregarina canis, 941, 942
- jaculi, 941
- muris, 941, 942
- seligmanni, 941
- stepanowi, 942
- Hæmogregarinidse, 940
- Hæmopis sanguisuga, 908
- Hæmoproteus, 945
- Hæmoptysis, endemic, 794
- diagnosis of, 798
- geographical distribution of, 794
- history of, 794
- parasite of, 794
- pathological anatomy of, 795
- prophylaxis of, 797
- symptoms of, 795
- treatment of, 797
- Hoemorrhagic form of algide malarial fever, 77
- Hæmosporidia, 942
- Haffkine's cholera inoculations, 482
- results of, in Balkan and European Wars, 484
- plague inoculations, 356
- Halteridium, 945
- Haptosporidia, 948
- Heat-apoplexy, 395
- Heat-exhaustion, 393
- etiology of, 393
- symptoms of, 394
- treatment of, 394
- Heat-stroke, 392
- prevention of, 404
- Helcosoma tropicum, 220
- Helix pomatia, 934
- "Henpurge," 918
- Herpetic eruptions in malarial cachexia, 94
- Herpetomonas, 212
- Heterophyes aegyptiaca, 848
- heterophyes, 848
- yokagawa, 849
- Hill diarrhœa, 546
- distribution of, 546
- etiology and pathology of, 546
- symptoms of, 547
- treatment of, 548
- Hippobosca maculata, 198
- rufipes, 198, 931
- Hippoboscidæ, 201
- Histoplasma capsulatum, 938
- Hoplopsyllus anomalus, 331
- Hydrochserus capybara, 198
- Hymenolepis murina, 854
- nana, 854
- characters of, 854
- development 01, 855
- distribution of, geographical, 854
- zoological, 854
- history of, 854
- pathogenesis of, 856
- treatment of, 856
- nana, 854
- Hyperparasitism in malaria, 103
- Hyperpyrexia, malarial, 73
- treatment of, 128
- Hyperpyrexial fever, 388
- Hypoderma, 198
- Indian Plague Commission, 333, 335
- sickness, 544
- Indiella mansoni, 879
- reynieri, 880
- somaliensis, 880
- Infantile biliary cirrhosis, 609
- Infective granule of Balfour, 231
- granulomatous diseases, 611
- Infusoria, 927, 949
- Inoculation, prophylactic, in cholera, 482
- in plague, 356
- in relapsing fever, 245
- in typhoid fever, 378
- Intermittent malarial fever, 53
- Intestinal affections in malarial
- cachexia, 95
- myiasis, 859
- parasites (see Parasites, intestinal)
- Ixodes reduvius, 245, 948
- ricinus, 314
- Ixodidae, 246
- Janthinosoma lutzi, 904
- Japanese river fever, 315
- distribution of, 315
- etiology of, 315
- history of, 315
- mortality of, 317
- pathological anatomy of, 317
- symptoms of, 316
- treatment of, 318
- Jenner's stain, 44
- Juxta-articular nodules, 919
- Kakka (see Beriberi)
- Kala-azar, 203
- and oriental sore, 218
- diagnosis of, 215