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Page:Tropical Diseases.djvu/288

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Rostrum terminal.
Dorsal shield present.
Sexual dimorphism marked
Family Ixodidæ Anal groove surrounding anus in front. Prostriata Ixodinæ Inornate, without eyes and without festoons. Spiracles round or oval. Palps of variable form. Tarsi without spurs. Sexual dimorphism pronounced. In the ♂ the venter is covered by non-salient plates; one pregenital, one median, one anal, two adanal, and two epimeral plates. Parasitic on Ungulata, carnivora, rodents, marsupials (kangaroo), bats, and birds. 1. Genus
Anal groove containing anus behind. Metastriata (a) Brevirostrata. Rostrum short.
Inornate, without eyes but with festoons. Usually with short conical palps, whose second articles project laterally. Small size and slightly chitinized. Sexual dimorphism slight. The ♂ shows no ventral plates or shields.
2. Genus
Usually ornate, with eyes and festoons. Short, broad, or moderate palps, and basis capituli rectangular dorsally. Spiracles sub-oval or comma-shaped. 3. Genus
Inornate, with eyes and festoons. Short palps, with basis capituli hexagonal dorsally with prominent lateral angles. The ♂ resembles Rhipicephalus dorsally, Dermacentor ventrally. Spiracles sub-triangular or comma-shaped. 4. Genus
Usually inornate, with eyes and festoons. Short palps, and basis capituli usually hexagonal dorsally. The ♂ possesses a pair of adanal shields and usually a pair of accessory adanal shields. Spiracles bluntly or elongate comma-shaped. 5. Genus.
Inornate, with eyes, but indistinct festoons. Short palps, and capitulum intermediate between that of Rhipicephalus and Boophilus. Highly chitinized. The ♀ with very small scutum. The ♂ with a median plate prolonged into two spines projecting beyond and to either side of the anus. Anal groove obsolete. Spiracles rounded or short, oval in both sexes. 6. Genus
Inornate, with eyes, but indistinct festoons. Very short compressed palps ridged dorsally and laterally. Basis capituli hexagonal dorsally. Slightly chitinized. Unfed adults of small size. The ♀ with small scutum. The ♂ with adanal and accessory adanal shields. Spiracles rounded or oval in both sexes. No anal groove. 7. Genus
(b) Longirostrata. Rostrum long.
Ornamentation absent or present, at times confined to the legs; with eyes, with or without festoons. Long palps. Basis capituli subtriangular dorsally. The ♀ approaching Amblyomma. The ♂ with a pair of adanal shields, and with or without accessory adanal shields, and two posterior abdominal protrusions capped by chitinized points. Spiracles comma-shaped.
8. Genus
Generally ornate, with eyes and with festoons. Long palps, of which the second article is especially long. Basis capituli of variable form. The ♂ without adanal shields, but small ventral plaques are occasionally present close to the festoons. Spiracles subtriangular or comma shaped.
Sub-genus Aponomma. Devoid of eyes, or in which the eyes are poorly developed. Body frequently very broad. Occur almost exclusively on reptilia.
9. Genus
Rostrum concealed by overlapping cephalothorax.
Dorsal shield absent.
Sexual dimorphism slight.
Family Argasidæ Body usually flat with thin edges. Ventral grooves absent or very shallow. Eyes absent.   Genus Argas.
Body with thick edges. Ventral grooves present. Eyes sometimes present. Genus Ornithodoros.