Page:Tropical Diseases.djvu/713

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disease, be unknown. Finally, syphilis has never been shown to give rise to yaws, nor yaws to syphilis; neither, so far as known, has yaws been evolved in any community from syphilis, or appeared independently where the possibility of its having been introduced from a recognized yaws centre could be excluded with certainty.

The therapeutic argument for the identity of the two diseases is a very fallacious one. Sulphur will cure scabies and pityriasis versicolor; yet from this circumstance we may not conclude that these diseases are identical. The same may be said in respect of the influence of mercury and iodine on syphilis and on yaws.

Prophylaxis resolves itself into the adoption of measures to prevent contagion. These are: the isolation and segregation of the affected; the dressing and treatment of wounds in the hitherto unaffected; the application of antiseptic ointments to yaws sores, so as to obviate the diffusion of germs; the purifying or destruction by fire of houses or huts notoriously infected; the prevention of pollution of bathing-water by yaws discharges.

Treatment.— All are agreed as to the propriety of endeavouring by good food, tonics, and occasional aperients to improve the general health. Most are agreed as to the propriety of endeavouring to procure a copious eruption by stimulating the functions of the skin by warm demulcent drinks; by a daily warm bath with plenty of soap; and, during the outcoming of the eruption, by such diaphoretics as liquor ammonise acetatis, guaiacum, etc. Confection of sulphur is also recommended as a suitable aperient; it may be taken frequently in the early stages of the disease. All are agreed as to the propriety of avoiding everything— such as chill— tending to repress the eruption; warm clothing is therefore indicated. Many use mercury, or potassium iodide, or both, after the eruption is fully developed. These drugs have undoubtedly the power of causing the eruption in yaws to resolve. Some practitioners rarely use them, or, if they use them, do so only at the latest