Page:True and False Infallibility of Popes.pdf/28

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perverse; sometimes as leading to heresy, or to schism, or to disobedience to ecclesiastical superiors. When a particular doctrine has been condemned by the Pope as heretical in the way designated by the doctrinal definition of the Vatican Council, speaking of the Infallible teaching office of the Pope;—then, indeed, there can be no doubt that we have under these circumstances an utterance of the Pope ex cathedrâ. But as in the Syllabus, through the whole catalogue of eighty propositions, designated generally in the title as 'Errors' (Syllabus errorum), there is nothing to show, as was pointed out above, under what category of condemned propositions, according to old ecclesiastical usage, a particular error falls, we are compelled to have recourse to the records or sources, in which the particular propositions of the Syllabus have been on previous occasions condemned by Popes, in order to learn whether it is condemned simply as erroneous, or whether it has some other designation, and notably whether it has been condemned as heretical.

The Augsburg reviewer further remarks, that whilst I blame Dr. Schulte for picking out the mere words of the definition, when he quotes the doctrinal definition of the Vatican Council on the subject of the Infallible teaching office of the Pope, and excluding the introduction and the reason for the definition, I complain of him further on, for printing the whole of the Bull Unam Sanctam. As it is here laid to me that I am acting inconsistently, I must defend myself from this charge. What it seemed to me I had a right to require of Dr. Schulte as an