Page:True and False Infallibility of Popes.pdf/359

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The Syllabus of Pius IX.

25. Beside the power inherent in the Episcopate, other temporal power has been attributed to it by the civil authority, granted either expressly or tacitly, which on that account is revocable by the civil authority whenever it thinks fit. Ibid.

26. The Church has no innate and legitimate right of acquiring and possessing property.
Allocution Nunquam fore, Dec. 15th, 1856.
27. The sacred ministers of the Church and the Roman Pontiff are to be absolutely excluded from every charge and dominion over temporal affairs.
Allocution Maxima quidem, June 4th, 1862.
28. It is not lawful for bishops to publish even Letters Apostolic without the permission of Government.
Allocution Nunquam fore, Dec. 15th, 1856.

29. Favours granted by the Roman Pontiff ought to be considered null, unless they have been sought for through the civil government. Ibid.

30. The immunity of the Church and of ecclesiastical persons derived its origin from civil law.
Apostolic Letter Multiplices, June 10th, 1851.
31. The ecclesiastical Forum or tribunal for the temporal causes, whether civil or criminal, of clerics, ought by all means to be abolished, even without consulting and against the protest of, the Holy See.
Allocution Nunquam fore, Dec. 15th, 1856.

32. The personal immunity by which clerics are exonerated from Military Conscription and service in the Army may be abolished without violation either of natural right or of equity. Its abolition is called for by