Page:True and False Infallibility of Popes.pdf/388

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The Syllabus of Pius IX.

such as the words of Christ define, to wit, monarchical; and to the doctrine that the government of the universal Church is, by God's decree, united with the office of successor of St. Peter in the episcopal See of Rome, so that he who is Bishop of Rome must like wise be Pope of the universal Church.

The thirty-sixth condemned proposition transfers, against the teaching of the Catholic Church, the su preme and ultimate ecclesiastical jurisdiction and power, from the Pope and the whole Hierarchy, to the Bishops of each nation. It forms part of the system of the excommunicate Bishop Nicholas Hontheim, suffragan of Treves, better known under the name of Febronius.

The thirty-seventh is a sequel to the foregoing.

The falsity of the thirty-eighth is but too evident to anyone conversant with the history of the Greek schism.

The thirty-ninth proposition condemned, raises the State to the place of God.

The fortieth offers a sweeping and gratuitous insult to the teaching of the Catholic Church.

In the forty-first, a double exercise of right is claimed for the State, in both cases incompatible with the existence of the Church as a divinely-founded and perfect society. The first claim is that of the right of exequatur, which means, that no Papal mandate concerning spiritual matters can be carried out without the consent of the State (i.e., without the signature of Mr. Disraeli or Mr. Gladstone); the second claim is that a rebel priest, for example, if condemned for heresy, may appeal to a lay judge to have the sentence reversed.