Page:True and False Infallibility of Popes.pdf/61

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The True and the False

lead them in their inquiries. Accordingly, the Council carefully and exactly declared, by the very title, in what respect the term 'infallible' is used of the Roman Pontiff.

The contents of the chapter 'On the Infallible teaching office of the Roman Pontiff' may be concisely viewed and readily stated in its principal features as follows:

It is the ancient consistent doctrine of the Church, says the Pope, that to the Roman Pontiff is given by God the supreme power in the Church, in order always to preserve its unity. But in this supreme power is contained the supreme teaching power, as the Church has always acknowledged in General Councils of ancient times, and especially in the Fourth Council of Constantinople (a.d. 869), in the Second Council of Lyons (a.d. 1274), and in the Council of Florence (a.d. 1439). He also shows how the Popes acted when difficult questions relating to faith were, according to ancient custom and prescription, laid before the Apostolical See for decision by the Bishops, viz. either, by assembling the Bishops in Ecumenical Council; or by inquiring into and obtaining the knowledge in some other way of what the general feeling of the universal Church was upon such and such a point; or by summoning particular synods; and, lastly, by using all such means as Divine Providence put in their power. And with this assistance the Popes decided that doctrine to be revealed by God, and accordingly to be held by all as de fide, which they, with God's assistance, recognised as conformable to Holy Scripture and the apostolical traditions; always themselves holily pre-