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is not any to which you chuſe particularly to go. I am not rich; but I thank heaven, that it has bleſſed me with ability and inclination to afford ſuch aſſiſtance as may be immediately neceſſary to you, till means may be thought of for doing more."

"O, Sir," (anſwered the mother) "well might my daughter call you an angel of heaven! You know not from what miſery you have already relieved——

"Nor will I know more of it at this time," (interupted Benevolus) "than that which I too plainly ſee. I will leave you now to your reſt, and return as ſoon as it is day.——

"Speak not of leaving us, Sir," (exclaimed the daughter, who was afraid that if he ſhould go away, he might not return) "What reſt can we take, in ſo ſhort a time? Leave us not, I beſeech you! leave us not in this place!”——

"Ceaſe, my child!" (interpoſed the father) "nor preſs your benefactor to continue in a ſcene of miſery, that muſt give pain to his humane heart."

"If my ſtaying will not give you pain," (anſwered Benevolus) "I will moſt willingly ſtay; but it muſt be on condition that our converſation points entirely forward to happier days. There will be time enough hereafter to look back."——