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of dreſs or appearance, to look for a proper lodging for them, where he laid in ſuch proviſions of every kind, as he knew they muſt immediately want. This care employed him till the time he had promised to return, when he found ſuch an alteration in the looks and appearance of them all, as gave his heart delight.

"You ſee, Sir," (ſaid the mother, as ſoon as he entered) "the effects of your bounty: but do not think that vanity has made us abuſe it. Theſe cloaths, what we could raiſe on which has for ſome time been our ſole ſupport, where the purchaſe of happier times; and were now redeemed for much leſs than we muſt have given for the worſt we could buy."——

"Dear, madam," (interrupted Benevolus, taking her hand reſpectfully) "mention not any thing of the kind to me, I beſeech you. You will ſoon ſee ſuch times again."—Then turning to her huſband, "I have taken a lodging, Sir; (continued he) it is convenient, but not large, as I imagined would be your choice. I will call a coach to take us to it directly. If there are any demands here, let the people of the houſe be called up, and they ſhall be paid. I will be your purſe-bearer for the preſent."

"No, Sir," (replied the huſband) "there are not any. You have enabled us to diſcharge