Page:True lover's garland (1).pdf/5

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When the dull or the splenetic, censure or chide
At my innocent freedom and prate.
I titter to bear their nonsenical pride,
For I cannot help laughing at that.

Young Collin declares for husband I 'm fit,
So he courts me from morning to night;
On the charms of my person displays all his wit,
And I own that it gives me delight;
He talks of the parson, the church, and the ring,
In praise too of conjugal chat,
That wedlock, indeed, is an excellent thing,
So I must not get laughing at that.

At length with his wishes if I should comply,
As at present I seem to incline,
If but on his promises I may rely,
Not to check this good humour of mine,
To church with young Collin I'd soon trip away.
And answer all questions quite pat;
When it comes to the critical word call'd Obey,
I shall scarcely keep laughing at that.


In summer when the leaves were green,
and blossoms deck'd each tree,
Young Sandy then declar'd his love,

his artless love to me.