Page:True relation of the surprising foreknowledge and wonderful predictions of the Rev. Mr. Allan Logan.pdf/3

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and wandered quite out of the way, his horſe went home, but he, for his unbelief and ſelf ſufficiency, wandered the whole length of a cold winter night in the fields.

Another inſtance of his knowledge: he knew all the Witches and thoſe that dealt with familiar ſpirits, tho' row a days our Saddiſſical Solomons argue and maintain that there is no ſuch thing as Witch or familiar ſpirit: but ſuch opinions are abſurd, Atheiſtical, and they may as ſoon ſay there is neither devil nor hell.

Mr. Logan being one time at a neighbouring Solemnity, where there came a woman to the Table, having a Token from the miniſter in order to communicate, the miniſter himſelf then ſerving, and having the elements in his hands giving to the elders, to give to the people as the cuſtom is : He began as follows; "it was an ordinary thing of old, when the ſons of God came to preſent themſelves before the Lord that Satan alſo came amongſt them, but Satan dares not come here, this day viſible or inviſible; yet there is one of his ſervants ſet down here amongſt the Lord's people; ſo I adjure thee by the great JEHOVAH, the God of heaven and earth, thou ſervant of the devil, thou Witch-wife, to riſe from the Lord's Table and go from amongſt his people, I will not name thee, nor will I touch thee, but may the terrors of the Lord touch thy conſcience and lead thee forth from amongſt his ſons and daughters. And you man who have the ſtolen Bible in your hand, open the door and let her out;" then a woman roſe who never was ſuſpected for any ſuch thing, and with great horror and trembling ſhe cried out, that ſhe was the perſon he meant, and ſo ſtaggered to the door where the man with the ſtolen Bible (being convicted alſo) met her and open'd the door, ſo they went both out together-

At this the woman's huſband was highly inraged againſt Mr. Logan, for giving his wife the name of a Witch, and would have him to make it out, or ſuffer for what he had ſaid, but Mr, Logan ſoon cleared
