Page:True religion a source of happiness.pdf/8

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but set upon other objects which religion prohibits; and hence they consider it as inimical to their present happiness. But our text not only affirms that wisdom (illegible text) ways issue in happiness at last, but that they are at present ways of pleasantness and paths of peace to them that walk i(illegible text) them. And to this the experience of the saints has borne witness in all ages. The Psalmist says, “I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches," Palm cxix. 14. "I will delight myself in thy commandments which I have loved," ve(illegible text) 47. And in general he says, "The step of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delighteth in his ways," Psalm, xxxvii. 23. But it will also appear from the nature of things that wisdom's ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths peace, if we consider,

1. That the principles of true wisdom are pleasant, and productive of peace and happiness to the minds of those who really understand and believe them. These principles are clearly revealed in the gospel which is glad tidings of great joy. Here we have such an amiable display of God and of his love in Christ Jesus towards guilty sinners—such a full and free salvation, every way suited by divine wisdom