Page:Tudor Jenks--Imaginotions.djvu/14

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  1. "'And where are my adherents?' I shouted. 'Here!' said Doreina'" 63
  2. "After an examination, he declared it was neither Animal, Vegetable, nor Mineral" 67
  3. "'Keep off! Do you mean to eat me?'" 69
  4. "I lowered him gently to the floor" 75
  5. "'I admire the bindings,' said the little fellow, as he paced to and fro along the shelf" 76
  6. "He was caught beneath the cover of the book" 78
  7. "He pretended to yawn" 81
  8. "'You can go back where you came from!'" 82
  9. My Niece's Experiment in Magic 86
  10. Arrival of the commercial Magician 88
  11. The Magician began a powerful invocation 90
  12. The Sluggard, considering 91
  13. "We came to a gate guarded by two Ethiopians in fancy dress" 98
  14. "'Does anybody know anything about anything in particular?' asked the King" 100
  15. The Royal Guards surround the Astrologer's Niece 105
  16. "'This is preposterous!' said the Duck, in a rage" 107
  17. "'Fare thee well, gentle dame,' I replied" 115
  18. "He called me to him, and presented me to the Princess" 117
  19. "Taking the goblet from the sideboard, he handed it to me" 121
  20. "I saw the need of taking immediate steps to save my specimens" 126
  21. "'Aha, you 're there, are you?'" 129
  22. The Giant and the Professor settle it amicably 131
  23. "His Majesty courageously jumped overboard and waded ashore" 137