Page:Tudor Jenks--Imaginotions.djvu/142

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"Vanella, Vanella; Strawberria, Strawberria!" repeated the parrot slowly and impressively.

It did not require a remarkably keen intellect to comprehend the Princess's kindly hint. I went cheerfully to sleep, slept soundly till morning, and awoke ready to resume the tests.

But when I had guessed the name "Strawberria," much to the King's surprise, Vanella objected to putting me through any further trials, and as there was no reason for delay we were married within a few weeks.

We invited the Khan to the wedding, and he proved an excellent dancer and a most agreeable conversationalist.

Vanella was delighted with him, and he sent her fourteen mule-loads of jewels as a wedding present. My father also came to the wedding and gave me his hearty congratulations.

"You have won a prize, my son," he said.

And so it proved.

Note. Any one who will give a green parrot a good home and kind treatment may have one free by applying to Mrs. ben Ephraf at the palace, any week-day between eleven and three o'clock.