Page:Tudor Jenks--Imaginotions.djvu/152

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The Prince's Councilors

AS the Prince and a Page were coming from a game of tennis, a newsboy ran along crying: "Extra—extra-a Here y' are; extra-a! Ter'ble los' life!"

"Boy!" called the Prince, in a truly royal voice.

"Extra?" asked the boy, running up to them.

"Yes, please," answered the Prince condescendingly, taking the paper and drawing a gold coin from his purse.

"I can't change that," said the boy.

"Never mind the change," said the Prince. The boy's eyes sparkled. He hastily handed over two papers, and ran off with the coin, shouting as before, while heads popped from windows and people tried to find out the news without paying for it.

Meanwhile the Prince and the Page read their papers.

The Princess Paragon!
Possibly Perishing!!
Alone And Adrift!!
Royalty To The Rescue!!!