Page:Tudor Jenks--Imaginotions.djvu/21

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been rung to waken the sleep-loving-in-the-morning ruler, the sword-bearer came bringing the wicked wizard.

The wizard carried a chest or coffer, black, and covered close with hide, but having a dull eye at one end, and knobs and round trimmings, wrought curiously and of strange magic and witchery. [Note: Evidently the primitive camera, with the usual buttons.]

When the day was strong, arose the ruler, and ate half a zebra with trilobite sauce.

Then did I, his scribe, tell him humbly that the wizard awaited him.

"Where is my spear and my sword?" quoth the ruler.

"Here," said the scribe, my poor self.

"Put on my leather coat, bronze hat, and leggings of scarlet leather, the finest in the kingdom," quoth he, "that the wizard and the warriors and the maidens may see me in all my beauty, the strong war-ruler."

It was done, and never finer appeared the man of muscle who carries the heaviest club.

"Bring in the wizard," said Batta,—"who is there that is afraid?"

Then did my one knee exchange greetings with its fellow, as I the scribe went forth. For I was sore in terror, but Batta was not scared, though he was pale from his long sleep.

Forth went I to the swordbearer, gave greeting, and bade him bring in him-who-makes-images.

So the wizard was brought into the light of the presence of Batta, our ruler, who spoke thus:

"Well done, Swordbearer. You have caught him, the bat who flies in darkness. Did he scratch you?"

"Not at all," answered he of the sword. "I bade him vow by the sun that he would do me no injury. And he said he would