Page:Tullochgorum (2).pdf/5

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Ca’ the Ewes to the Knowes.

Ca’ the ewes to the knowes,
Ca‘ them whare the heather grows,
Ca‘ them whare the burnie rows,
My bonnie dearie.

As I gaed down the water side,
There I met my shepherd lad,
He row’d me sweetly in his plaid,
And ca’d me his dearie.
Ca‘ the ewes, &c.

Will ye gang down the water side,
And see the waves sae sweetly glide
Beneath the hazels spreading wide,
The moon it shines fu’ clearly.
Ca’ the ewes, &c.

I was bred up at nae sic school,
My shepherd lad, to play the fool;
And a’ the day to sit in dool,
And nae body to see me.
Ca‘ the ewes, &c.

Ye shall get gowns and ribbons meet,
Cauf leather shoon upon your feet;