12. The Backward Roll Over. Repeat all of the foregoing backwards.
13. A Dive is a jump for height or distance, alighting on hands. Bend arms, duck head, and forward roll over. Never strike middle of back first. Commence with the forward roll over (Figs. 1, 2, 3), and gradually increase the height or distance until you can finally go your full limit without jolting or bumping yourself in the least. The rise is usually from both feet.
14. Dive (1) for distance, (2) for height.
15. Combine the Forward Roll Over and Dive for (1) Distance, (2) for Height.
16. Fall Forward without Bending at Hips, with knees stiff; catch on hands.
17. Fall Backward, stiff (stage fall).
18. Fall Forward, with chest out, and back arched. Turn head to right or left. Continue rolling, and push over to feet.
19. Combine Front and Back Roll Over, making continuous movement by crossing legs as you finish the front roll.
20. Combine Back and Front Roll Over.
21. Combine Front, Back, and Front Roll Over in quick succession.
22. Combine Back, Front, and Back Roll Over in quick succession.
23. Roll Over Backward, straightening body as you go over to lying-down position on stomach.
24. Lie on back, arms at side horizontal. Bring right hand close to side, turn head to right, and at same time bend at waist, bringing feet over head, then snap over quickly on to stomach, facing in opposite direction.