By this is meant a series of combinations by two or more men exercising together. In these exercises a belt must always be put on for the first trial (or assistants stand on either side), however simple the exercises may appear, and must be kept on until the exercise is thoroughly mastered, which would mean that you have each other's time and act in unison. Work with the same men all the time; beware of strangers, even if both of you understand the exercises. Do not be afraid to use caution and common sense. Only combinations that can be mastered by business men with limited time have been put in; the more dangerous ones, requiring much time, being intentionally omitted. In all of the following exercises No. 1 is the heaviest or "bottom" man; No. 2, "middle" man; and No. 3, "top" man (or lightest man).
1. Stand facing each other. No. 2 puts hands on No. 1's shoulders, springs up and throws legs around No. 1's waist,
then leans backward and drops between No. 1's legs, who then bends forward and places hands on floor keeping knees stiff; No. 2 places hands on No. I's heels and straightens arms; No. 1 then walks off (also with a small boy on top), or untwists legs and both do a roll over. Fig. 26.