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Page:Tumbling for Amateurs.djvu/79

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SmUHE SPALDING! ITRADEMARK SpdldinO I^gw and Improved Worsted JgrSCVS Following sizes carried In slock regularly In all qnalltlcs: 28 to 44 Inch chest. scys are being used more

more by base ball play- 

, especially for early ■ing and late Fall games. ) Spalding line includes a nplete assortment of styles and qualities. Other sizes at an advanced price. We allow two inches jor stretch in all our Jerseys, and sizes are marked accordingly. It is suggested, however, that for very heavy men a size about two inches larger than coat measurement be ordered to insure a comfortable Jit. ^TnrK CM OR^ PLAIN COLORS— The lollowing slock colors arc soppUnl in J 1 VV/Ii VvLUnj „„ worsled icrseys ( NOT Nos. 6 or 6X ) al regular prices. Other colors to order only L D any qualily (EXCEPT Gray Scarlet Orange Cardinal Black Navy Bine White Royal Blue Maroon €k>Iumbla Blue Peacock Blue Purple Dark Green Yellow Olive Green Seal Brown Irish Green Old Gold Pink Drab No. I P. Full regular made; that is, fashioned or knit to exact shape on the machine and then put together b.v hand, altogether different from cutting them out of a piece of material and sewing them up on a machine as are the majority of garments known as Jerseys. Special quality worsted. Solid stock colors. No. lOP. Worsted, fashioned. Solid stock colors, ^ach, S3,00 No. I 2P. Worsted; soli^ stock colors. Each, $2.75 No. 1 2XB. Boys' Jersey. Worsted. Fur- nished in sizes 26 to 36 inches chest measurement only. Solid stock colors only. No special orders. Each, $2.00 Each. $4.eO SPEC IAL NOTICE H'e will furnish any of the ^^^~~^^^^~"~^"^^~^ above solid color Jerseys, (except Nos. 6 and 6X) with one color body and another color Uwt striped) collar and cuffs in stock colors only at no extra charge. " Spalding Cotton Jerseys

No. 6. Cotton, good quality, fashioned, roll collar, full length sleeves. Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Gray and Maroon only Each, $1.OO

No. 6X. Cotton, same as No. 6, but with striped sleeves in following combinations only : Navy with White or Red stripe ; Black with Orange or Red stripe; Maroon with White stripe. . Each. $ 1 .25 Woven Letters, Numerals or Designs We weanc into our ttil grade Jeracys, No. IP. LrUrrs. Numeroh cnj Daigra in special colors at JctireJ. Prices quoted ort appticalion. Designs submilted. PRICES SUBJECT TO ADVANCE WITaOUT NOTICE Pil0ttPTAnENTI0N6IVENTO| UNr COMMUNICATIONS ADORESSEIl TO US A.G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS Root • "Sllat iLifftU Januani 5. IS 1 0^ iui«<_(9_«Aar*e wnlrr4 "<*«■ E&SsS^m fksuetjfsflal Cawdicn ".alalegiK