it had been really a bond of sympathy between himself and the man who shared the passion; and when its object died, the unappeasable foe was the only mourner for the dead. He expressed a purpose of being buried side by side with his enemy.
'I doubt whether their dust will mingle,' remarked the old sculptor to me; for often there was an earthliness in his conceptions.
'Oh yes,' replied I, who had mused long upon the incident; 'and when they rise again, these bitter foes may find themselves dear friends. Methinks what they mistook for hatred was but love under a mask.'
A gentleman of antiquarian propensities provided a memorial for an Indian of Chabbiquidick, one of the few of untainted blood remaining in that region, and said to be an hereditary chieftain, descended from the sachem who welcomed Governor Mayhew to the Vine yard. Mr. Wigglesworth exerted his best skill to carve a broken bow and scattered sheaf of arrows, in memory of the hunters and warriors whose race was ended here; but he likewise sculptured a cherub, to denote that the poor Indian had shared the Christian's hope of immortality.
'Why,' observed I, taking a perverse view of the winged boy and the bow and arrows, 'it looks more like Cupid's tomb than an Indian chief's!'
'You talk nonsense,' said the sculptor, with the offended pride of art; he then added with his usual good-nature, 'How can Cupid die when there are such pretty maidens in the Vineyard?'
'Very true,' answered I,—and for the rest of the day I thought of other matters than tomb-stones.