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Of Civil-Government.

reſpects grieve them as much as me; ſo that if I do harm, I muſt look to ſuffer, there being no reaſon that others ſhould ſhew greater meaſure of love to me, than they have by me ſhewed unto them; my deſire therefore to be loved of my equals in nature, as much as poſſible may be, impoſeth upon me a natural duty of bearing to them-ward fully the like affection; from which relation of equality between ourſelves and them that are as ourſelves, what ſeveral rules and canons natural reaſon hath drawn, for direction of life, no man is ignorant. Eccl. Pol. Lib. 1.

§. 6. But though this be a ſtate of liberty, yet it is not a ſtate of licence: though man in that ſtate have an uncontroulable liberty to diſpoſe of his perſon or poſſeſſions, yet he has not liberty to deſtroy himſelf, or ſo much as any creature in his poſſeſſion, but where ſome nobler uſe than its bare preſervation calls for it. The ſtate of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reaſon, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but conſult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or poſſeſſions: for men being all the workmanſhip of one omnipotent, and infinitely wiſe maker; all the ſervants of one ſovereign maſter, ſent into the world by his order, and about his buſineſs; they are his property, whoſe workmanſhip they are, made to laſt
