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Of Civil-Government.

it is in the ſtate of nature, wherein men are not bound to ſubmit to the unjuſt will of another: and if he that judges, judges amiſs in his own, or any other caſe, he is anſwerable for it to the reſt of mankind.

§. 14. It is often aſked as a mighty objection, where are, or ever were there any men in ſuch a ſtate of nature? To which it may ſuffice as an anſwer at preſent, that ſince all princes and rulers of independent governments all through the world, are in a ſtate of nature, it is plain the world never was, nor ever will be, without numbers of men in that ſtate. I have named all governors of independent communities, whether they are, or are not, in league with others: for it is not every compact that puts an end to the ſtate of nature between men, but only this one of agreeing together mutually to enter into one community, and make one body politic; other promiſes, and compacts, men may make one with another, and yet ſtill be in the ſtate of nature. The promiſes and bargains for truck, &c. between the two men in the deſert iſland, mentioned by Garcilaſſo de la Vega, in his hiſtory of Peru; or between a Swiſs and an Indian, in the woods of America, are binding to them, though they are perfectly in a ſtate of nature, in reference to one another: for truth and keeping of faith belongs to men, as men, and not as members of ſociety.

§. 15.