Page:Two babes in the wood (1).pdf/6

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And two long miles he led them thus,
While they for bread complain,
Stay here, says he, I’ll bring you bread,
When I do come again.

The pretty babes with hand in hand,
Went wandering up and down,
But never more they saw the man
Approaching from the town.

Their pretty lips with black-berries,
Were all besmeared and dyed,
And when they saw the darksome night,
They sat them down and cried.

Thus wander’d these two pretty babes,
Till grief did end their life.
In one another’s arms they died.
Like babes wanting relief.

No burial these two pretty babes,
Of any man receives,
Till Robin Red-breast carefully
Did cover them with leaves.

And now the heavy wrath of God,
Upon the Uncle fell,
A fearful fiend did haunt his house——
His conscience felt a hell.

His barns were fired, his house consumed,
His lands were barren made;
His cattle died, within the house,
And nothing with him staid.